Take the Shot

rrrrrrrrrrrrrWhen I read Jason Moxness’ Blog the other day, I couldn’t help but relate in terms of the Apex team, our buyers, and our business owners. Anyone who is successful has had to take risks along the way and probably failed at least once, but continually sought out potential opportunities.

Sometimes it’s luck, but I don’t think luck happens without significant action. Jason has certainly worked very hard, AND he also never shied away from new opportunities! We have a great team at Apex too, but it took effort and time to build.  There was risk along the way (and some fails), and we are “lucky” that it all worked out exceptionally well.

Business buyers have to put themselves in uncomfortable situations to seek out deals, and when they land a great business, it’s because they took risks and stepped out of their comfort zone. Business owners are faced with making their own luck e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y! Successful owners are active, present, involved, and always looking for new excuses to improve or grow.

Don’t just wish for success. Take action. As Jason says, “take the shot”!

Whether buying or selling a business, talk to your Apex Business Advisor to make it happen.

Doug Hubler