Financial Help – How to Get Your Loan Put Together
Historically, we have always had to be involved in financing options for acquisitions. We needed to know the parties involved and what kinds of deals banks are interested in funding. Today, it is even more critical because of the banking crisis. More banks have exited the banking market, they are more critical of any opportunity they might fund and some banks have stopped funding SBA loans entirely.
One of our strengths is that we know the majority of the banks in the Midwest region that are aggressive cash-flow lenders. We know what types of deals they like. We know the kinds of deals that they don’t want. We also leverage loan brokers that have access to hundreds of banks. The end result is that you will save time by going to the right places to find your funding. That said, every deal is different and obtaining a loan to buy a business is more complicated than ever before. That is why you need someone representing you who understands the ins and outs of the lending world. We have been told often by SBA lenders that they are always happy to receive our lending packages because they are complete and accurate.
DIY with the SBA no longer works
(Doing it yourself by trying to submit paperwork to the Small Business Administration department is not going to get your deal funded.)
For more information on how Apex can find funding for you, please give us a call at (913) 383-2671.