Episode 76 – When Buyers Ask the Right Questions at the Wrong Time

On today’s episode of the Apex Business Advisors podcast, Andy and Doug discuss scenarios when buyers want to go too deep with their questions too early in the process.

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 75 – Setting Yourself Apart as a Buyer

In many instances, multiple buyers are vying for the same business. On today’s Apex Business Advisors podcast episode, Andy and Doug discuss a few different ways (outside of Cash, Full Asking, No Contingencies) buyers can set themselves apart from the pack.

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 74 – The Magic of June 30

Andy and Doug are discussing the magic that is June 30. It’s halfway through the year, and what does that mean for listing and selling your business? Find out here.

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 73 – Are Your Experts Really Experts?

On today’s episode of the Apex Business Advisors podcast, Andy and Doug share a cautionary tale about an accountant that valued a business approximately eight times over what it would sell for. Hear how they arrived at their number and the flaws in the analysis that led to an unnecessarily difficult conversation with a would-be client.

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 72 – When Brokers Buy a Business

Ryan joins Andy and Doug on this Apex Business Advisors podcast episode. Ryan is a broker in the office and recently acquired a business that Apex had listed. He discusses this unique approach to acquisition. Doug details how the notification to the Seller is handled when an Apex broker buys the business, and Ryan shares his experience going through the Offer, Due Diligence, Lending, and Closing process.

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 71 – Closings

Doug is back and talking about his favorite subject – Closings! While he was on vacation, several businesses closed their transactions. He discusses the deals that got done and what it took to get them to the finish line.

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 70 – Real Life Seller’s Advice

Billy Oxley once again joins us to share his experience selling three businesses. Similar to his Buyer Advice, he shares how his process changed after he had gone through it a couple of times.

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 69 – Buyer Advice with Billy Oxley

Billy Oxley was a serial entrepreneur before it was a common thing. Billy and his Dad bought, operated, and sold three businesses in his career. Today, he sits down with Andy to share how his experiences changed with the knowledge he learned from each transaction and what advice he would give a buyer on evaluating if the business is right for them.

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 68 – The Benefit of a Deferred Sales Trust

Greg Reese of Reef Point LLC is back to discuss the benefits of a DST. If you missed part 1, please check it out here.

During this episode, he will discuss how to qualify for a DST, who can benefit, and how.

Interested in learning more about Deferred Sales Trusts? Head on over to Greg’s website

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.

Episode 67 – The Best Kept Secret in Business Sales – The Deferred Sales Trust

Andy is joined by Greg Reese, Principal and Managing Member of Reef Point LLC. For over 20 years, Greg has been assisting people with a little known strategy when it comes to selling a business – Deferred Sales Trust. In this two part episode, Greg joins us today to define what a Deferred Sales Trust and how it can be deployed to help a seller keep more of the money from the sale of their business to use as they see fit.

Interested in learning more about Deferred Sales Trusts? Head on over to Greg’s website

Are you considering selling your business? Are you considering entering the world of entrepreneurship? If so, please get in touch for a FREE consultation. The best way to learn about us is at our website, which includes connecting with DougAndy, or the rest of the Apex Team.