Episode 21 – Value Drivers

In this week’s episode, Andy and Doug discuss the characteristics that drive value when selling a business. They touch on the importance of industry, location, organization, and financial records and how they impact the amount you can command for your business.

Episode 20 – Absentee Owners

One of the most common calls we get from buyers is looking for an absentee owner business. Today, Andy and Doug discuss the pitfalls to avoid when seeking an absentee-owned and operated business.

Episode 19 – Non-Compete Agreements

On this episode of the Apex Business Advisors podcast, we talk about Non-Compete agreements. Our topics include the reason for a non-compete, what makes a good non-compete agreement, reasons why we won’t work with a seller that won’t sign one, and our favorite geographical markings.

Episode 18 – An Orderly Transition

On this episode of the Apex Business Advisors Podcast, Andy and Doug discuss strategies and tactics for a new owner’s first days. They share stories of owners that made “minor” changes that resulted in massive consequences. A must-listen for anyone contemplating buying a business.

Podcast Episode 17 – When to Fire a Client

On this episode of the Apex Business Advisors Podcast, Andy and Doug are joined by Chuck Campbell to discuss the rare and unfortunate times when we have to terminate an engagement. Chuck shares his experience with a trusted advisor who set unrealistic expectations with a shared client that made it impossible for Chuck and us to serve the client. Doug shares other reasons why have terminated an engagement in the past. Andy shares an embarrassing moment at a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon.

Podcast Episode 16 – Writing a Compelling Offer Letter

We discuss what makes a compelling offer letter on this episode of the Apex Business Advisors Podcast. Some of the components we talk about are acquisition price, escrow vs. down payment, bank financing, and contingencies.

Podcast Episode 15 – How to have an effective buyer seller meeting

On this episode of the Apex Business Advisors Podcast, Andy and Doug share tips and tricks on what makes an effective Buyer Seller Meeting. They discuss the questions each side should be asking and topics that should be avoided.

Podcast Episode 14 – Confidential Business Review

On this episode of the Apex Business Advisors Podcast, Andy and Doug discuss the contents of a Confidential Business Review and how a Buyer can use this to guide them to the next phase of the buying process.

Podcast Episode 13 – Deciphering an Ad

The first stop for people in their search is the popular business listing websites. Today, we break down the differences between a good blind ad and a not-so-good blind ad.

Podcast Episode 12 – Prepping for Due Diligence with Special Guest Dan Loiacono

Dan Loiacono joins Andy and Doug to share his insights on Prepping for Due Diligence. Dan specializes in getting companies ready for sale, whether solicited or unsolicited opportunities. He will share his thoughts on what drives value and what discount value, along with some helpful ideas for business owners of all sizes to consider right away.