Capital Gains Taxes Set to Raise in 2013

Capital-Gains-Taxes-Are-Going-Up-SMALLERCapital gains taxes will be going up from 15% to potentially 25% in 2013. If you are doing a deal that is valued at $1M, that can make a big difference in what you are able to put in the bank after selling your business to the tune of $100K. If you are close to retirement or thinking about selling your business, you should move aggressively to prepare your business. You will realize a substantial savings if you close by December 31st of 2012.

The shocking thing to us is how little this is being talked about in Kansas City. If you are reading this and you know someone who owns a business, please consider forwarding this on to make sure they are in the loop… you never know when they are considering a sale of their business.

There are many sources on the internet documenting the potential rise and we especially liked the article from Forbes discussing how the increase could go based on various legislation. (Source link: Forbes, January 24, 2012)