State: Texas
Ad ID: KS3022-RK
Gross Revenue: $7,823,300
Cash Flow: $344,725
Asking Price: $2,500,000
Inventory: $500,000
Included: No
Summary Description

In a region of Texas that’s experiencing tremendous population growth, this well-established business delivers gasoline, diesel, oil, and propane to its customers.

The Company also offers fuel tank installation, bottle exchange, and off-road and on-road delivery services throughout the trade area, with healthy profit margins!

The Company features strong vendor relationships and superior customer service.

Sale price includes 12 vehicles/trucks and a large fuel storage capacity. Inventory of approximately $500,000 and accounts receivable must be purchased in addition to asking price.

The management team has a strong reputation for industry knowledge, reliability, and safety. Seller will consider staying onboard with the buyer to manage day-to-day operations.

Seller’s family owns the real estate and will lease the property at market rate, and will also consider a sale of the real estate at appraised value.

Hurry, there will be tremendous interest in this extraordinary opportunity!

General Information
Year Established: 20+
Franchise: No
Home based: No
Relocatable: No
Square footage: 5,200
Full Time: 8
Part Time: 1
Reason for Selling
Contact information
Ron Kleier
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