Entries by Apex Business Advisors

Kansas City Sunbelt Advisors Receive CBI

Doug Hubler and Jay Lehenbauer of the Kansas City Sunbelt office received the prestigious Certified business Intermediary (CBI) designation during the IBBA – M&A Source Joint Conference for Professional Development Educational Program and Conference in Louisville, Kentucky in November, 2008. Hubler and Lehenbauer were awarded the CBI designation after demonstrating a superior knowledge about the […]

Joe Warner, Certified Business Intermediary

Joe Warner, Certified Business Intermediary, who has been a professional instructor with the IBBA for several years, is teaching Introduction to Mergers and Acquistions at the spring IBBA conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference is being held from June 8th to the 13th, 2009. Brokers will learn what is involved in the Mergers and Acquisitions […]