Entries by Apex Business Advisors

December 2010 Newsletter

December 2010 Newsletter As promised last month, I want to discuss what a seller can do to reduce “deal fatigue” and get to closing. To summarize our November Newsletter, Time Kills Deals. The buyer can overextend the due diligence period by not multi-tasking, ignore broker advice, allowing others to drive longer time tables, not communicating, […]

November 2010 Newsletter

November 2010 Newsletter As we approach the end of the year and potential tax changes in 2010, I thought it a good time to bring up a long discussed topic in business: Time Kills Deals. This is not exclusive to business brokerage and I’m sure many people have discovered this in their life. For example, […]

October 2010 Newsletter

This month Apex Business Advisors is publishing our Core Values for you to review. We felt it is important to communicate our principles that guide us in our business as well as personal lives. We welcome your feedback. We Live by the Golden Rule We focus on fair treatment in all our business dealings and […]

September 2010 Newsletter

This month one of my Senior Advisors, Anita Lieser, describes a recent transaction that went remarkably well. It is a good time to reflect on the transaction and to educate each other, and our buyers and sellers on the characteristics of a deal that got completed without the typical headaches. Too many times we focus […]

August 2010 Newsletter

Your Discretion is required Confidentiality is a critical element in the sale and purchase of a business. Over the years in our office, we have sold hundreds of businesses and, for the most part, we have been able to limit the sharing of information to only those parties involved in a transaction. However, even with […]

July 2010 Newsletter

Managing Your Transaction Anyone who has a know-it-all cousin or brother or father or teenager understands that it is best to use your own common sense, life experiences, and judgment in conjunction with the suggestions of others to make the wisest decisions. These people may very well have something important to contribute. However, would you […]

June 2010 Newsletter

Succession Planning If you suddenly become unable to work, is your business positioned to operate without you? Accidents happen. Have you prepared your business to continue without you? Will your spouse be required to quit his/her job to now manage your staff that needed constant oversight, or will your attorney decide it’s best to liquidate […]

April 2010 Newsletter

The Great Tax Debate It’s April and time for the most feared activity in the world for business owners – filing tax returns. More accurately, filing tax return extensions! Of course corporate returns are due March 15th, but April 15th is more dramatic and common. It is one of the great dilemmas of all time: […]

March 2010 Newsletter

Professional Valuations Although more of an art than a science, a business valuation is a good tool to determine the market price of a business. When financing an acquisition, the SBA now requires a valuation be completed for transactions over $250,000. There are many business intermediaries that prepare valuations for their clients, and there are […]

February 2010 Newsletter

SBA Update Due to the continued need to drive money into the small business sector, the federal government has approved some strong SBA programs. See the SBA news release at http://www.sba.gov/idc/groups/public/documents/sba_homepage/news_release_09-83.pdf An excerpt: “This Administration and Congress recognize that these key programs were successful in helping jump-start the economic recovery for America’s small businesses,” said SBA […]