Entries by Apex Business Advisors

Broken Nest Egg

Many of our business owner clients who want to sell are doing so because they are ready to retire. They have a plan in place, the business is at least stable, and they want to start interviewing potential buyers. We have another set of potential business owner clients who continue to delay the sale of […]

Jeff Crooks’ Anniversary

Apex Business Advisors would like to congratulate Jeff Crooks for having the longest tenure, and being the most successful broker here at Apex. He has been our lead broker now for over 12 years. That’s quite an accomplishment in the business broker world! Jeff is best at bringing professionals to a deal to help with […]

Good Businesses Don’t Come to Market Everyday

If you wait for the perfect situation before attempting to buy a business, you could miss out on great opportunities. For example, let’s say a service business is cash flowing $250,000 per year and is priced at three times cash flow ($750,000). It comes on the market and we let our network of buyers know […]

Jumping the Gun

You’ve planned to sell your business for some time. You’re tired and ready to retire. You’ve got a buyer knocking at your door. You’ve agreed to a price with the buyer and he seems like a good guy. So, now you’ve got the urge to go to the beach or play golf or anything other […]

Working Capital Needs

Buying a business is one of those times in life when you feel true accomplishment. You are going to be able to show all those knuckleheads in the corporate world that you can do it better! The deal is done, now it’s you and the seller working through the transition. Pat yourself on the back […]

Legal Fees – The Inexpensive Option

We’ve all heard the countless jokes about attorneys and their fees. You’ve likely even heard someone relay a real-life complaint about legal bills they’ve incurred. But some of the worst real-life horror stories that we’ve heard involve clients or customers who decided to forego paying an experienced attorney to guide them through a transaction. When […]

Take a Vacation

Taking a vacation is something business owners sometimes pride themselves on avoiding. Others relish the time away and take vacations as much as possible. It can be hard to step away, even for short periods, from the business that is responsible for your family’s security. My friend and advisor, John Stevenson of Client Kudos, sent […]

Good Communication Pays Off, Again

I’m sure you can think of a couple of times (more like hundreds) when you and a very important person in your life had a miscommunication about … when you would be home for dinner, how much your assistance was needed to clean toilets prior to a dinner party (geez I mowed the lawn!), household […]

Value Drivers: Business Operational System

Most people looking for a business to buy need a reason to pull the trigger. If the transition is easy – that’s one of the biggest reasons to pull the trigger, quit the job, grab the 401k, and jump into the deal. If you have set your business up to be easily managed, have operational […]