Entries by Apex Business Advisors

Are You Playing Cards With Your Advisor

The simple truth is that you have to trust your business broker if you want to get the best deal done. Sometimes it feels like we are playing cards with our buyers. They will tell us that they have $100,000 to invest in a business. They don’t mention the fact that they have an additional […]

White Knight and a Bucket of Gold

From time to time, we see business owners with the “White Knight” mentality. This mentality assumes that a buyer is going to be happy to come in and give the owner a bunch of money, even when the financials don’t support their emotional value for their business. People will read the Wall Street Journal’s Mergers […]

Low Cost Brokers – You Get What You Pay For

A woman, we’ll call her “Jane”, contacted us to sell a business. We gave her our proposal to sell her business. She chose to go with a lower cost broker that is a solo operation. Since then, she has called us repeatedly to ask for advice on how to handle the buyer, how to handle […]

Financial Help – How to Get Your Loan Put Together

Historically, we have always had to be involved in financing options for acquisitions. We needed to know the parties involved and what kinds of deals banks are interested in funding. Today, it is even more critical because of the banking crisis. More banks have exited the banking market, they are more critical of any opportunity […]

I Survived Buying a Business

We have gone through the process that we help our clients with everyday. We know this can be a long and frustrating process. A lot of things can get in the way to send you down the wrong path. In my transaction buying Apex Business Advisors, the previous owner and I developed a framework for […]

Cashing in Your 401k to Buy Your Business

We are in the process of doing a deal that is complete except for one important piece. The buyer has not produced the agreed amount of money for the down payment. The deal was agreed to by both parties and the closing date was set for May 1st. Closing dates are like construction projects in […]

May 2011 Newsletter

Business Acquisition Search For many potential business buyers the hunt for a solid business can be long and frustrating. After all, they are ready to make the move, a decision was made with their spouse that this is the right time. The job stinks, the boss is a pain in the neck, business decisions are […]