Entries by Apex Business Advisors


Owning a business takes commitment. As any successful business owner would tell you, it takes focus and effort  to get through rough patches, employee problems, customer complaints, short cash positions, excessive receivables, government regulation, etc.  However, much like running a marathon, owning a business is for the long haul, and getting to the finish line […]

Taking Your Business to Market in 2013

If you didn’t sell your business prior to 2008 you may actually be fortunate. It may be hard to believe, but what if you had your big event (sold your business) and invested your gains in the booming market at the time? You probably would have lost 30% or more between 2008 and 2010. If […]

Preparing for Due Diligence

Most transactions, of any size, are solidified or collapse during the due diligence process. If there are ever mistakes made by a seller, they are the lack of planning and preparation for a deep review by potential buyers. The buyers not only have to get to the details for their own purposes, but also for […]

IRS Reads Your Email and Social Media

We got your attention! Right? As a business owner, there are good reasons to keep your records clean. Many of our past newsletters/blogs have focused on the success of business owners selling their businesses and how accurate financial statements played a major role. Since the financial statements and tax returns of those businesses were accurate, […]

Get a Third Party Opinion

Fairly often, we get approached to assist in a transaction that is already well down the road. Certain agreements have been made, and expectations are set. In many instances a buyer and seller have a relationship by virtue of being an existing customer, family member, friend, or partner. Over time the two sides have come […]

Baby Boomers are Selling

The theory over the past decade has been that baby-boomer business owners were going to be reaching retirement age soon and that there would be more activity coming on the Mergers and Acquisitions front. We are finding that this is becoming a reality as our list of engagements and sales are really growing. A survey […]

Here’s One Way To Do It

Under-reporting your business income. It is a strategy employed by many business owners to reduce their tax burden. You’ve probably heard one of our Apex Business Advisors talk about how this strategy will also negatively impact the value of your business.  But, a recently indicted Business Owner took this strategy to an extreme (allegedly). It’s […]

Have Biz, Must Sell

“Nearly half of the 799 small-business owners surveyed in August by The Wall Street Journal and Vistage International, an executive-mentoring organization, expect to retire after age 65, with 38% saying that their planned retirement date is later than they had predicted five years ago. In addition, 56% said most of their retirement nest egg is […]

Focus on the Goal

Many people have a dream of improving on their: status, financial stability, self-worth, career satisfaction, and wealth by owning their own business. Rather than working for others and conceding to the daily grind, they take control of their future. They can make their own decisions. Others may want to advance their existing business by expanding […]

The Cliff

As was mentioned on the last blog, there has been a bit of uncertainty and nervous energy focused on the fiscal cliff. Well,the cliff was averted for most people, and the wealthy weren’t guillotined. The stock market responded favorably. Since the new laws were made permanent we can now focus tax planning… This article from […]