Entries by Apex Business Advisors

Case Study #3: The Boomerang Sale

In 1986 David Phelps started a dental practice called the Gentle Dental. 20 years later, for a number of reasons, he decided to sell. But before six months had passed, he was in litigation to reacquire the business, and 24 months after that, he sold the business again…this time, successfully. “Boomerang” Sale? This was a […]

Why You Should Hire for Cultural Fit First

If Millennials have added anything to the conversation around hiring these days, it’s the idea that cultural fit matters. You shouldn’t simply hire people who are competent and willing to do the work, but also who are excited to be with you and fit well into your established company culture. What is a cultural fit? […]

Should You Have a Business Partner?

“A contract isn’t in place for when things go right. It’s to account for the possibility that things might go wrong.” You can google the title of this article and you’ll find hundreds, perhaps thousands, of articles, many of which take a position as to why you should “never” have a partner or “always” have […]

Book Club #2: Rework, by Jason Fried

We review books you should read in preparation to buy or sell a business, as well as how to build a company to sell one day.  About the Authors Jason and David created a company which was originally called 37Signals and was later rebranded as BaseCamp. It’s a project management tool which was also the […]

Case Study #2: What to Be Aware of in an Earnout

In 2012 Jason Swenk sold his digital advertising agency, Solar Velocity. Solar velocity helped with websites and web applications for brands like Aflac, Coke, and LegalZoom. At the time, he took 50% of the sale in upfront cash and took the remainder in a 50% earnout. What is an earnout? An earnout is another way […]