Entries by Apex Business Advisors

Case Study #33: The Acquirer Gets Acquired

Long before the general public knew what Amazon Web Services was, and that it provided the backbone for entities ranging from Netflix to the CIA, Glenn Grant was building G2 Tech Group. G2 Tech Group was leading the industry in migrating services to the cloud, where Amazon Web Services lives. While it’s true that many […]

Cautionary Tale #6: Accounting Woes

Whenever we discuss commonalities in successful transactions, inevitably “clean books” will be one of the first three things mentioned. Numbers don’t just matter for your valuation, or for tax purposes, or just to track where the money has gone: without clean books, a buyer can’t know whether he/she is looking at a solid business. Here […]

Apex Success Stories #3: Just Do the Work

Sometimes we see that new owners do better than the former ones not because they have any more skills, but simply because they do work that the former owners refused to do. This isn’t necessarily groundbreaking, difficult, uphill work. Often it’s the simplest of things. One of our clients provided seeds to farmers and growers. […]

Case Study #32: Health Scare, Quick Sale

There are many occasions we’ve seen a quick sale over the years. One of the two factors that can often lead to one is having an exit strategy. The other? A health scare. While sometimes the health scare is genetic and unrelated to the business, very often conditions in the business manifest in some health […]

Sometimes Liquidation is the Best Option

We’ve shared before various reasons that businesses don’t sell, but sometimes the advice we give to sellers after we’ve looked at everything is not to sell, but to liquidate and close. This isn’t because we’re excited about possibly missing a commission, but because what might be a short-term gain for us, it probably won’t give […]