Working Together

Henry FordWe had a couple successful closings today, but one stands out because of the positive experience that could be relevant when dealing with your own transaction.

Both buyer and seller had to take assertive steps to make the deal work. They were open to suggestions by their Apex advisors, such as local bank options and other professionals needed to complete the deal. Also, communication between buyer and seller improved through the process as trust between the two solidified.

Our Apex Business Advisors proved their credibility because of their deep knowledge of selling similar businesses in the industry. The buyers and sellers met with recommended banks and used forms provided by Apex that have been tested over hundreds of transactions. The seller was also very instrumental in the licensing process, which cut the lead time required for a new license.

They began this process relying on the advisors, but once the buyers and sellers developed a relationship, the deal was able to proceed more smoothly. They were flexible, they showed good entrepreneurial skills by adjusting to impediments, working together through issues, and readily communicating with all involved. Because they had similar goals, they were able to make the deal happen.

It is from these experiences that we are able to successfully assist our buyers and sellers with their deals, and provide practical and valuable processes.

Doug Hubler

Take the Shot

rrrrrrrrrrrrrWhen I read Jason Moxness’ Blog the other day, I couldn’t help but relate in terms of the Apex team, our buyers, and our business owners. Anyone who is successful has had to take risks along the way and probably failed at least once, but continually sought out potential opportunities.

Sometimes it’s luck, but I don’t think luck happens without significant action. Jason has certainly worked very hard, AND he also never shied away from new opportunities! We have a great team at Apex too, but it took effort and time to build.  There was risk along the way (and some fails), and we are “lucky” that it all worked out exceptionally well.

Business buyers have to put themselves in uncomfortable situations to seek out deals, and when they land a great business, it’s because they took risks and stepped out of their comfort zone. Business owners are faced with making their own luck e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y! Successful owners are active, present, involved, and always looking for new excuses to improve or grow.

Don’t just wish for success. Take action. As Jason says, “take the shot”!

Whether buying or selling a business, talk to your Apex Business Advisor to make it happen.

Doug Hubler

Planning for Your Next Stage

Kick in the buttThe act of “Planning” can conjure up some dread: thoughts of hard work, long meetings, limited results, and risk of missing goals. I guess that’s why so many business owners never put a plan in place for either building a business or exiting a business.

I found a great article that gets to the real importance of having a plan and how it will absolutely impact your next phase of life. And if you are in your 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s and believe you don’t need to think about it right now, kick yourself in the butt for me!

Read about planning for your next phase and call your financial advisor. If they have never asked you about the value of your business and, more importantly, how you calculated that value…find a new financial advisor.

Contact your Apex Business Advisor today for more tips on buying or selling a business.

Doug Hubler