Focus on the Goal

goal line focusMany people have a dream of improving on their: status, financial stability, self-worth, career satisfaction, and wealth by owning their own business. Rather than working for others and conceding to the daily grind, they take control of their future. They can make their own decisions.

Others may want to advance their existing business by expanding and possibly diversifying by acquiring an existing business. The value of one business can increase by much more than just the value of the acquired business. One plus One does not always equal two. In the acquisition world, One plus One can easily equal 3 or 4.

The process of buying a business is not easy. Most people have the ability, but only a few can actually make it through the process of, dealing with the banks, lawyers, accountants, (and brokers), and still complete a transaction. But if everyone could do it, we would all be billionaires, and what would be the fun of that?

When buying a business, keep focused on the goal. There will be naysayers, rickety bridges to cross, and red flags flying. If a buyer can successfully manage the challenges, answer the questions, feel comfortable with the remaining risks, he/she is well on the way to success. After all, successful people don’t walk away from challenges and don’t rely on luck.

Rely on your Apex Business Advisor to get you to the goal line!

The Cliff

thecliff2As was mentioned on the last blog, there has been a bit of uncertainty and nervous energy focused on the fiscal cliff. Well,the cliff was averted for most people, and the wealthy weren’t guillotined. The stock market responded favorably. Since the new laws were made permanent we can now focus tax planning…

This article from Entrepreneur magazine is a really good summary of the tax rules that were negotiated last week.

If you are a business owner or plan to be, or plan to sell your business, this will be of particular importance to you. As always, check with your accountant to determine the impact on your personal situation.

Call your Apex Business Advisor to assist with your exit strategy.