We are Growing!

Paul50505075As demand for our services grows we have been able to find (after extensive searching) highly experienced executives and former business owners to join our team. We are excited to have these three gentlemen join the Apex Business Advisors team: Paul Temme, Scott Swim, and Jerry Meinert. All have entrepreneurial backgrounds and are great resources for business owners who need to plan for an exit. They also have great insight to share with entrepreneurs who are looking for new opportunities to have their own business or to grow their existing businesses.

JerryLinkedInIt’s important when dealing with Mergers and Acquisition Advisors that you have experts on your side who have been in your shoes. Who, other than other business owners, would really understand the cash flow needs, employee issues, planning for taxes, customer demands, competitive pressures, and everything else that goes into operating a business? We’ve all been there!

Contact any one of our Apex Business Advisors to discuss your plans to buy or sell a business.

Why use a Business Broker for Selling a Business

Great Example of Estate Planning

TheEmpireNot all of us have huge estates that will require the depth of planning of a George Lucas. However, his story is a reminder of all business owners that there is a dire need for in depth estate planning so that your estate, including your business, can transition smoothly. George had the foresight to sell his “Empire” in 2012 while there were real tax advantages.

Billionaires are billionaires for a reason. They are savvy financial players and always rely on advisors for assistance. But, you don’t need to be a billionaire to plan ahead and get the proper advice. George is on a large scale, but your lack of a real tax plan could hurt you worse. If George had to pay out 65% in taxes, at least he would have a few more billion to play with. You may feel the pinch more than George!

Your Apex Business Advisor can put you in touch with good estate and tax planning professionals to prepare you for a secure future.