Legal Fees – The Inexpensive Option

legal feesWe’ve all heard the countless jokes about attorneys and their fees. You’ve likely even heard someone relay a real-life complaint about legal bills they’ve incurred. But some of the worst real-life horror stories that we’ve heard involve clients or customers who decided to forego paying an experienced attorney to guide them through a transaction. When a conflict later arose, they paid much more to “right a wrong” than what they would have paid up front for properly written, attorney prepared documents.

Rather than utilizing the services of an experienced and reputable transaction attorney, we sometimes see parties use lower cost methods for getting a contract written. They might use a friend who handles traffic tickets or bankruptcies (still good attorneys) and who will do it as a favor at a cut rate. Worse yet, they may lift a generic contract from the internet. At Apex Business Advisors we require parties to the transaction to have legal representation.

What many business buyers or sellers fail to realize is that the responsibility of a good “deal” attorney is to protect their client. Good attorneys want to mitigate risk and avoid future lawsuits and claims. Both parties need protections. Shortcutting it by going cheap isn’t the answer. Utilizing a transaction attorney who knows how to sufficiently document these protections may well pay off in the long run rather than spending many thousands of dollars more trying to correct a problem down the road. Remember the old saying from Benjamin Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

We can recommend transaction attorneys who are skilled at negotiating and drafting contracts with appropriate protections for all parties. Please call your Apex Business Advisor for our attorney recommendations.

Congratulations to Debbie for her 8 Year Anniversary with Apex

Debbie50505075It’s time to congratulate another Apex Business Advisor on another year of service. Debbie Small joined us 8 years ago! Time flies when you’re having fun. Debbie’s experience started as a potential buyer who had been working with Jeff Crooks for a couple of years. However, Debbie kept thinking that being a Business Broker in Kansas City would really play more to her strengths as an experienced sales person in the small business market. Jeff finally relented to her frequent inquiries and introduced her to the Managing Partner for an interview.

The Managing Partner proved to be a genius and hired her right away! Debbie has consistently been one of our top producers, and has strengthened Apex and our team with her energy, focus, caring, and ethical standards.

Debbie has had many clients compliment her work over the years and continue to refer new business to her. If you’ve ever had a chance to work with her, you know that she works extremely hard to get deals done for her clients – and she accomplishes the task with the most cheery and positive attitude. We are all grateful to have Debbie here at Apex and wish her continued success!

Take a Vacation

vacationTaking a vacation is something business owners sometimes pride themselves on avoiding. Others relish the time away and take vacations as much as possible. It can be hard to step away, even for short periods, from the business that is responsible for your family’s security.

My friend and advisor, John Stevenson of Client Kudos, sent me some helpful tips about the importance of business owners taking vacations. As I write this while overlooking a beautiful lake in Minnesota, I understand the physical and mental benefits of getting away. My office manager and brokers aren’t calling me every minute to discuss issues. They can handle whatever comes their way. We business owners like to feel critical to the operation, but sometimes we can get in the way.

Aside from the personal benefits that come from vacation, a business owner also has to think about the message that is sent to a potential buyer of their business down the road. When meeting with a seller of a business, almost every buyer will ask the owner if they take vacations. Can they get away for a week or two? Do they take long weekend breaks? How do they do it and can the staff handle the business? Or, if I buy this business will I be a slave to it for years?

Take a vacation. You and your business will thank you!