Welcome – Jeff Wilson

Too often, companies don’t celebrate their growth. We are growing and excited to have Jeff Wilson join our team as a Senior Broker. Jeff joined us at the beginning of August. Doug has known Jeff for more than ten years and they go to church together. Jeff has joked that it was a REALLY long interview process… It is nice to have a strong level of trust with our most recent broker addition. Trust drives our business at every level.

Jeff was previously the Director of Children’s Services at Leawood United Methodist Church. Prior to that, Jeff was doing sales in the music industry. He also had his Real Estate license in Kansas and Missouri. It is this wealth of experience that makes Jeff a perfect fit for the Apex team. If you have a chance, please welcome Jeff by phone at (913) 433-2316 or email at .

Bringing the Right People to the Party

dorkIt surprises people how many different professionals need to be at the table as we help you buy or sell a business. Besides your broker to facilitate the process, see the list below to start getting a sense of what we are talking about:

  • Attorney with acquisition experience (Buyer and Seller)
  • Tax Attorney (Seller)
  • Accountant to help with due diligence (Buyer)
  • Banker for acquisition loan and working capital (Buyer)
  • Financial Planner to minimize tax consequences and access personal funds (Buyer and Seller)

At the end of the day, the buyer and seller want to have a successful deal. It is important to bring professionals that have the right experience to the table who understand the goals of the buyer and seller. This will allow the process to move forward efficiently instead of allowing roadblocks to kill a deal.

We have been doing business in Kansas City for a long time and know the typical players that are coming to the table for these deals. If you don’t have a relationship with one of the professions listed, we can refer you to two or three of our trusted resources that you can interview and choose who to work with.

Don’t Let Licensing “Sour” Liquor Store Deal

State by state, city by city, there are licensing requirements that need to be investigated before getting too far into a deal. For example, if your plan was to buy multiple liquor stores in Kansas, you should know that only one license per individual is allowed. What this means is that you would need a spouse and kids (of age) to own each store! That, or partner with other people to buy the stores and have each person obtain a license.

Don’t Wait To Get Started! The licensing process takes at least a month if not more!
You must follow up with the bureau and the individual working your file because they usually don’t proactively call you. In our experience you have to stay on top of the process. This definitely applies in a situation where they are missing a certain document. If you don’t follow up with them, it may sit on their desk for days.

(Note: The following requirements do not apply to serving alcohol at bars and restaurants.)

Kansas Requirements/Limitations:
You cannot be a C-Corporation (You must be a sole proprietor, S-Corp or LLC)
You must live in Kansas for a minimum period of time to operate a retail liquor store
It takes a minimum of 30 days to receive a liquor license
The state does a background check before granting your request for a license

Missouri Requirements/Limitations:
There is no limit to the number of stores an individual can own
There is a residency requirement
For more information, please visit the following resources:

KS: http://www.ksrevenue.org/abc.html
MO: http://www.sos.mo.gov/adrules/csr/current/11csr/11c70-2.pdf